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Women on Farm Series

Hello there to our Bass Coast Women on Farms,

We have some funding courtesy of Southern Farming Systems and Bass Coast Community Foundation to run a series of Discussion group format sessions for Women on Farms in Bass Coast!


Women on Farms Series - Starting July ***UPDATED - Now an online event***















Welcome to our new Women on Farms Discussion group series!!


We are aiming to create a space for you, our local farming women to connect, network and share. An opportunity for you to learn new knowledge and skills to improve decision making for your own sustainable farming and business practices.


Winter 2021 - Pasture Management/Preventing and repairing pugging damage in pastures, Monday 26th July 10am-1130am - Now online via zoom. 


The original format of these days was to consist of a technical theory component plus a farm walk, however for this first session COVID-19 had other ideas! For hopefully this event only, we have pivoted to an online format, consisting of a chance first to meet and greet and learn a bit about each other first before hearing from our expert guest speaker. This will still be a safe space with plenty of time for asking questions of our expert presenter.


For this session our guest expert will be John Bowman, Livestock Extension Officer with Agriculture Victoria, based at Leongatha and working throughout Gippsland farming districts. John has a background in Dairy & Beef pastures, beef and sheep production systems, grazing livestock on Gippsland soils and sustainable agricultural practices.


Interested farming Women from across Bass Coast can find out more about this new series, and register to attend at the following link: Women On Farms - BASS COAST LANDCARE NETWORK


The zoom link will be emailed to registered attendees the night before the online event.


The link above also takes you to an Expression of interest form on the same page, so if this sounds like the type of thing you would like to be involved in, we encourage you to fill it out and let us know your preferences for topics and speakers to help us bring you relevant and interesting days!


Funding support for this series comes from Southern Farming Systems.


We can’t wait to see you at our Women on Farms Series!


Kind Regards,


Lisa Wangman

Training, Education and Communications Manager

Bass Coast Landcare Network

2 – 4 Bass School Road, Bass, Vic 3991

Ph: (03) 5678 2335 

Days of Work: Monday to Thursday


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