coastcare groups
The Drive Towards Urban Landcare
Initiated as a sub-group of Phillip Island Landcare in 2003 as a response to challenges and issues including; rapid and escalating population growth, development pressures on rural land, increasing and unsustainable resource use and invasions of pest plants and animals from urban areas to remnants, revegetated reserves and rural land.
​Today there are over 130 Urban Landcare members
working to minimize their impact on the local environment
and enjoying the same membership benefits as rural
Landcare members.
Urban Landcare aims to:
1. Promote the use of indigenous plants in urban
landscaping via; Indigenous demonstration gardens,
open garden days, Annual Garden Awards and vouchers
for indigenous plants.
2. Raise awareness of Landcare issues to the changing
population via; A Sustainable Living guide for the Bass
Coast Shire produced in partnership with the Bass Coast
Shire Council, Production of educational flyers on
responsible pet ownership and urban foxes with the
Phillip Island Nature Parks.
3. Host the popular Practical Sustainability Seminar Series. Through hosting informative seminar and workshop days sharing ideas and practical tools, participants gain a real world understanding of how to adopt environmentally sustainable principles in their own homes.
Seminars have included: Sustainable Living, Energy Efficiency, Waterwise Gardening, Indigenous Garden Design, Invasive Garden Plants, Redirecting rain and grey water, Frogs of Phillip Island, Habitat gardening and many more.